Shared hosting, sometimes called shared services or virtual hosting, is simply when multiple websites share the same server, thus reducing the cost for everyone.
Our Shared Hosting offering has features precisely what you need. With plans that support both cPanel and Plesk as well as unlimited space and multiple SQL accounts, we have created an undefeated architecture that boasts of 99.99% uptime.
Shared Hosting Orders may be used by only one company/Customer to host multiple domain names/websites.
Web Hosting Features
Dual 2.40GHz Xeon Processor
24x7x365 Support
250GB RAID 1 OS Drive
1TB Cached Customer Drive
Apache 2.2x
PHP 5.3x, 5.4x, Perl, Python
Free DNS Management
Ruby On Rails
Anti Spam & Virus Protection
Secure FTP Access
Hotlink & Leech Protection
phpMyAdmin Access
Online eMail Address Book
Advance Spam/Virus Protection
Sub Domains, FTP Accounts, and Email Accounts
99.99% Uptime Guarantee
Control Panel
All our Linux shared hosting packes come equipped with cPanel, the undisputed market leader, so that your customers can manage their hosting package with ease through the best management solution in the market.
Email Features
Our hosting packages include a powerful email solution that allows unlimited number of email accounts with POP3 and IMAP support as well as a sleek webmail interface.
Application Hosting - One-click install
Built to support languages like PHP,Perl and Ruby on Rails, our Shared Linux Hosting Servers come coupled with Softaculous that powers over 300 applications and scripts all installable with a single click.
Secure Shell Access
Our Linux hosting allows SSH access so that you can execute commands, manage files and reliably operate your hosting from a remote computer over an encrypted channel. Enabling SSH on LoftySpeed Linux Hosting is a simple process and one that we strongly recommend!
Considering a hosting solution for your enterprise?